Second Sunday after the Epiphany
January 19, 2025Click below to access bulletins, Livestream and Zoom links, or to make an offering.For more infomation visit:
Watch previous service recordingsAvailable for one week after each service For more infomation visit:
Upcoming Events
Youth Café Night: TONIGHT Memorial service for former Grace parishioner Ken Burk Interfaith Candlelight Peace Vigil Grace Office Closed in Observance of MLK Jr. Day Climate Café Care for Creation Conversation Coffee and a Psalm Save the Dates: Sunday, March 9 Friday, March 14 Icon Writing Retreat | Register by January 20
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Recurring Events
The Wednesday Gathering Meditation/Centering Prayer Music Circle rehearsal Mom’s Morning Retreat Conversations to Care for Creation 3rd Saturday Grace Grounds Party For more infomation visit:
Phishing Emails
Dear Grace, Apparently, some misguided soul is trying, yet again, to impersonate me via email in an attempt to separate you from some of your financial resources. Please know that I will never ask you to do something “discretely.” Nor will I ask you to purchase something for me, no matter how noble the cause. Nor will I ask you to wire me money when in some desperate situation. Grace has transparent and established ways to provide financial assistance for those in need. We call it the Phinney Fund. Do me a favor, if you are inclined to: pray or send good thoughts/blessings on behalf of this individual. Appeal to the goodness and grace of God to transform this person, that they might be rightly guided to seek a good path. Peace to you all, |
Children, Youth and Family Ministries
When you arrive for the 9:30 a.m. Sunday service, please bring your children with you into the sanctuary; and feel free to sit by the altar near the Children’s Rug so your children can engage with others in quiet activities. After the Children’s Moment, they will be guided by their teachers to two learning spaces: one for younger children with more tactile storytelling and activities, and one for older children. Together, we build community through story, ritual, and fun activities before your children join you again for communion in the sanctuary. Youth are always welcome to join us as helpers for the younger children! For more infomation visit:
Youth Café Night
Thursday, January 16 from 6:30 - 8:00 p.m. Youth in 7th – 12th grades are invited to an evening of games, hot drinks, and sweet treats at Coquette, Winslow Green. Sponsored by Grace & St. Barnabas Episcopal Churches with the other Open & Affirming churches and youth organizations of Bainbridge Island. |
Coffee & a PsalmBegins Monday, February 3 at 10:00 a.m. Launch your week in community and reflection (and coffee and treats!) at Grace.There is no prep needed for this group — just show up! We'll be exploring one Psalm every session using Eugene Peterson's Psalms: Prayers of the Heart. Together we'll explore how the Psalms open our conversation with God in new ways. Here are some of the topics: Praying Our: Inattention, Intimidation, Trouble, Creation, Fear, Hate, Tears, Doubt, Death, Praise. Questions? Please contact Kim Cockroft or Florrie Munat. |
A Book and Chat Group for ParentsStarts in March What if it’s our job as parents to help our kids get to know God and discover that God can be trusted? What if faith is not constructed brick by brick, but rather woven strand by strand? We'll be discussing Woven: Nurturing a Faith Your Kid Doesn’t Have to Heal From, by Meredith Miller. Details and RSVP – kim@gracehere.org. For more infomation visit:
Icon Writing Retreat
Monday – Thursday, 9:00 a.m. – 4:30 p.m. Register by January 20th to save your spot! Experience the ancient art of “writing” the Gospel with paint and prayer. Join this five-day, all-inclusive day retreat, led by renowned iconographer, Theresa Harrison. Using JoSonja acrylic paints and 23 carat gold leaf, paint an icon of your choice together in sacred community at Grace Church. We begin each morning with prayers and Eucharist and spend the day in quiet meditation. Icon writing suits all abilities — no previous experience is necessary, yet those who have artistic experience find the process compelling. The cost is $450 and includes materials, snacks, and lunch. For more information, please contact Kim Cockroft, Director of Faith Formation, at kim@gracehere.org. Space is limited so please save your place early by filling out this form and sending a deposit of $100.00 to Grace Church at 8595 E Day Road, Bainbridge Island, WA 98110. “The joy of creating an icon in community is to experience and share the love of God. The end result, of God working in us and through us, goes far beyond the painting on the panel and into the realm of the mystery of our faith. Come join us, and ‘fear not’ your ability, simply come open to love.” — Theresa Harrison For more infomation visit: https://www.gracehere.org/events/icon-writing-retreat/2025-04-28
Volunteer Drivers Requested
Rides are needed to 9:30 a.m. Sunday services for Ellen Walls, who lives in Winslow across from Ace Hardware. For more infomation visit: https://www.signupgenius.com/go/30E0B4FADAD22ABF85-47506215-rides#/
Warm and Waterproof OuterwearDonations accepted through January The Grace Outreach Ministry will be collecting new and gently worn hats, vests, sweaters, socks, jackets, and gloves throughout January. Please bring donations for those in need in our community to the narthex. Cindy Logan and Kathleen Abell will deliver our donations to these Grace Outreach partners: Faith Shower Project, Helpline, and Fishline. Thank You! |
Diocesan Youth Confirmation Program
All youth ages 13 to 18 (seniors in high school) from across the Diocese are invited to participate in the Diocesan youth confirmation program to explore the Episcopal faith. We will meet via Zoom on Sunday evenings, February 16 through April 27, from 7:00 - 8:30 p.m. The curriculum, called “Confirm Not Conform,” is designed to encourage and invite youth to ask the hard questions and grapple with their own understanding of what they believe and why. Facilitated small group break out rooms will provide time for conversation with peers of the same age. Clergy, lay leaders, and faith formation staff from across the Diocese will lead the lessons and conversations. The program will culminate with a confirmation service on Cathedral Day, May 3. For more infomation visit: https://www.eventbrite.com/e/diocesan-youth-confirmation-program-2025-tickets-1136978626679
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Submit news or event listing
For more infomation visit: https://www.gracehere.org/blog/submit-content-for-the-bulletin-and-or-weekly-enews
Community Events
Climate Café
Saturday, February 1, 9:00 – 11:00 a.m. Sponsored by Cedars Unitarian Universalist Church Seating is limited and reservations are required. The Climate Café is a safe place for people to come together in circles of trust to share and bear compassionate witness to the varied personal perceptions they have about the future of our Earth home and our interconnected life. This is not a place for educating, promoting or convincing, but for compassionately companioning one another on this shared journey. All tables are limited to 5 or 6 people. Each table will have a trained facilitator. Participants are welcome to bring a small plate of finger food to share at the mid-event break. |
Interfaith Candlelight Peace VigilSunday, January 19 from 5:00 – 5:30 p.m. On this Martin Luther King Day weekend, please join us for an Interfaith Candlelight Peace Vigil at Pia the Peacekeeper (aka the Bainbridge Troll) on Sunday, January 19 from 5:00 - 5:30 p.m. Representatives from various faith traditions will share a brief reading or prayer, and we’ll join our voices in communal song. All attendees will be invited to light a candle for peace and are welcome to bring a brief reading or prayer to share as they light their candle (prayers and/or reading is entirely optional). Parking is limited, please consider parking across the street in the School District Lot. Note the trail leading to Pia is unpaved and the area around her can be muddy, so plan accordingly. |
KitsapCon is an all ages convention dedicated to tabletop board and card games. We have an extensive game library available, including some prototypes not yet available anywhere else! Friday, January 17, 3 p.m. – 10 p.m. Come and meet other game players in the local community. Proceeds benefit Scarlet Road, a local non-profit organization offering the hope of freedom to those who have been sexually exploited. For more infomation visit: