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We live in a time of seismic shifts: the rise of social media, astounding technological advances, sociopolitical disruptions, global migration, and rapid societal change. As people of faith, how do we take it all in? As systems we once knew and trusted transform for better and worse, what would Jesus have to say? Where is God in the midst of it? How then shall we live?

Join us this Lent at Grace as we consider this question and explore our own response to the challenge of living responsively out of love and wisdom rather than reactively out of fear and anxiety. We will gather Tuesday evenings at 6:15 for soup & supper. From 7 – 8:15 pm we will discuss What is God’s Kingdom and What Does Citizenship Look Like? by Mennonite pastor, Cesar Garcia. We will close with Evening Vespers.

We need your participation! If you'd like to help make or serve soup, please contact Rachel Yobs.

Seattle Mennonite Church Pastor Megan Ramer will be our guest speaker on March 18.

The book and a reading schedule are available in the narthex for a suggested donation of $12.00.

Childcare and crafts and activities will be available during the program!

If you have any questions, please contact