Pastoral Care at Grace

Pastoral care is a central expression of Christian community and Christian identity, flourishing outward from our Baptismal and Eucharistic life together. It is a vital dimension of our koinonia, or Christian fellowship. Pastoral care lies at the heart of who we are as followers of Jesus Christ: without pastoral care, we would hardly be a congregation.

Who needs pastoral care?

Anyone in any challenging situation, but especially those who are experiencing:

  • The death of a loved one
  • Illness
  • Economic uncertainty
  • Birth and adoption
  • Marriage, divorce, separation
  • Family conflict
  • Aging, cognitive decline
  • Isolation
  • A loved one’s addiction or mental illness
  • A spiritual crisis or dilemma

Who provides pastoral care?

Our Rector oversees and guides Grace’s Pastoral Care Leadership Team, made up of several lay leaders at Grace. Our Pastoral Care Leadership Team responds to the pastoral care needs of the parish while protecting desired confidentiality.

Not only does Grace’s Pastoral Care Leadership Team provide pastoral care, but each person at Grace is also called upon to care for others. Everyone has special gifts to offer, and each of our gifts becomes pastoral care when carried out in the name of Christ on behalf of the community. Our clergy and Program Ministry Council coordinate the sharing of these gifts.

Pastoral Care Leadership Team

Our Rector, Eric Mason, oversees and guides the Pastoral Care Leadership Team. If you have questions, or if you have a pastoral care need, please contact Eric at, or contact our office to reach another member of the team.

Current members are
The Rev. Eric Mason, Rector of Grace
Co-Chairs: Shannon Moore and Rhonda Peacock
Jim Quitsland

Clergy Care

Our Rector, Eric Mason, provides pastoral care to members of Grace Church in partnership with Grace’s Priest Associates, Pastoral Care Leadership Team, and lay Eucharistic Visitors.

In emergencies, including sudden hospitalization or at the time of death: Call Grace Church’s office, (206) 842-9997, Monday – Friday, 9:00a.m. to 1:00p.m.

After office hours, or if you cannot get through to the parish administrator, use the parish directory to contact Eric Mason by cell phone.

In other circumstances:

Call the office during office hours (see above) to make an appointment with our Rector or a Priest Associate. If you call when the office is closed, please leave a message that will help us clearly understand your situation and immediate needs.

Home Eucharistic Visits

Grace’s Priest Associate and lay Eucharistic Visitors make regular home Eucharistic visits or pray with and anoint those who, due to serious illness or infirmity, are homebound or in a medical facility.

When requested, our Rector, Priest Associate, or a member of the pastoral care team will:

  • Offer spiritual direction and counseling
  • Offer prayers of thanksgiving for the birth of a child, or other family occasions and milestones
  • Offer a blessing of a home, or a service of prayer marking a transition or new season
  • Hear confession and offer the Rite of Reconciliation of a Penitent
  • Meet with a family to prepare for baptism, or with a couple to prepare for marriage
  • Connect a Grace Companion – a layperson trained to listen and be present without
    suggesting solutions – to a person who would like support or who is going through a difficult transition

Priest Associate

At Grace, we enjoy fellowship with The Rev. Kate Kinney.