Welcome to Grace!

When you enter Grace Episcopal Church, you will find a place where people of all ages worship together, and where all people are celebrated exactly as they were created by God. Our liturgy is both reverent and accessible, often using secular music and prayers as well as traditional Episcopal liturgy. Our Home Groups take turns hosting each Sunday service by reading the scriptures, carrying the offering and oblation to the altar, and hosting a robust coffee hour.

Our goal is to make all newcomers and visitors feel welcome. Our building is fully accessible. Inclusion is one of Grace’s core values. If we have somehow missed welcoming you, please let us know!

We honor diversity. So, whether you are a lifelong Episcopalian, come from another Christian or non-Christian faith tradition, or simply are curious, please know that there is a place for you at Grace.

Our definition of family is broad. We welcome all, including singles, same-sex couples, blended families, and any other configuration that describes your family. At Grace we foster an atmosphere where LGBTQIA+ people and families can feel safe, honored, and experience a sense of belonging.

Our community delights in our children. 

  • Children ages 3 or 4 through 12 begin with their families in the sanctuary for a children’s moment with our priest, are released to classrooms for rich and creative programming, and then return to the sanctuary for communion with their families.
  • A staffed nursery is available for children under four years old.

Joining Grace

At Grace, we understand that choosing a church home is an intensely personal decision. Please keep coming back, ask questions, and allow the time you need to decide if Grace is a good fit.

There are no membership classes and no other requirements for you to become part of the Grace community. If you’d like to be a part of this parish, simply come! In the meantime, we invite you to learn more about Grace by either:

  • Filling out a welcome form on Sunday at the membership table (just to the left of the front door)
  • Fill out our online form here.
  • E-mailing our Rector, Eric Mason or our membership chair, Liz Shaw Powell

And please come to Coffee Hour after the 9:30 service and meet the people of Grace!

coffee hour