2024 Parish Retreat

Friday, October 4 – Sunday, October 6, 2024

at Seabeck Conference Center

Theme: Body & Spirit
with guest facilitators Jen Breen and Staci Imes 

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to mail or bring to church.

Facilitator bios:

Jen Breen

Jen has been teaching yoga and mindfulness at her studio, Bainbridge Yoga House, and in public schools for the last two decades. She and her husband Tom have lived on Bainbridge for 15 years and have four children – two at Bainbridge High School and two now in college. Jen loves bringing people together in a safe and brave space to deepen connections, slow down the hustle, and be seen and heard. She finds inspiration walking in the forest, in writing groups, traveling, pottery and hanging out with family and friends.

Staci Imes

The Reverend Staci Imes is an artist, activist, singer, and pastor ordained in the Presbyterian Church (USA). She pastored a congregation in Seattle for ten years and, during that time, developed a love for helping people of all ages discover their inner artist, coaching lay and ordained preachers, and incorporating music, visual arts, and movement into traditional worship experiences.