Hope for the Future through Inclusion

Grace Church believes profoundly that all people are made in God’s image. We strive to offer encouragement to one another as we share this earthly pilgrimage and to welcome the stranger whenever the opportunity arises. Your support will enable Grace to

  • Continue to expand our community through our dynamic new “Invite, Welcome, Connect” evangelism ministry program.
  • Maintain our deep support for one another under the guidance of our creative and dedicated staff as well as our Pastoral Care ministry team and our Prayer Circle.
  • Provide opportunities to connect more deeply with one another through activities such as those offered by our Home Groups, our Men’s Group, and our Art Nights.

Hope for the Future through Discovery

Grace Church is committed to supporting every person’s faith journey through ministry programs and experiences designed to facilitate a deeper appreciation of and relationship with the divine. Your support will enable Grace to

  • Deliver dynamic faith formation programming ranging from thoughtful discussion sessions to quiet meditation gatherings designed to support our faith journeys.
  • Develop creative worship and music programs that enrich and inspire us.
  • Provide steadfast support for our children and youth as they undertake their own spiritual journeys through programming such as Godly Play and Sunday Morning Conversations after worship.

Hope for the Future through Service

Grace Church embodies the principle that our faith is lived out through our actions. Every week, we leave Sunday worship having been commissioned to “go in peace to love and serve the Lord.” Your support will enable Grace to

  • Serve those in need among us by providing food, clothing, and personal hygiene items to be distributed through local programs including Helpline, Fishline, and the Shower Ministry at Faith Church in Poulsbo.
  • Offer regular opportunities to touch the lives of others through programs such as our Service Sundays, the Souper Suppers program, our Gardens of the Dirt ministry, and by supporting the work of several other community organizations.
  • Continue making our facilities available to community groups including Mother’s Morning Retreat, the Bainbridge Chorale, Alcoholics Anonymous, and AlAnon.

Hope for the Future through Gratitude

Grace Church demonstrates its gratitude for all the Gifts God has given to us through the faithful stewardship of our time, talents, and treasures. By acknowledging God’s primacy in our lives, we strive to express our gratitude boldly. Your support of Grace demonstrates your personal gratitude when you

  • Volunteer your time to support and sustain one or more of our many ministry programs.
  • Share your unique talents in a tangible way to enrich our programs and to provide support to those you encounter in the process.
  • Offer your financial and volunteer support by making an annual pledge so that we can continue our current programming and by supporting our Legacy Fund through lifetime gifts as well bequests estate plans to support Grace for years to come.