The Epiphany
January 5, 2025Click below to access bulletins, Livestream and Zoom links, and make an offering.
image: Wise men amid a Van Gogh-inspired backdrop. Creativefabrica.com. For more infomation visit:
Watch previous service recordingsAvailable for one week after each service For more infomation visit:
Thank You, Grace Musicians!
Thank you to all the musicians who helped offer music at Grace during Advent and Christmas! The beautiful music was a blessing to all who worshipped with us. |
Care for Creation ConversationBrought to you by the Earth & Spirit Ministry Conversations for Creation Care with Earth and Spirit begins our second year on Sunday, January 5, 2025. We meet in a circle near the altar 15 minutes after the 9:30 worship service. Let’s see what we can do about the challenges facing our sacred earth. Individually and collectively, we can commit to making a difference. By addressing challenges of a changing planet, we also nurture community, deal with uncertainties, offer positive solutions, and honor each other’s wisdom. See you next Sunday. For more infomation visit:
The Gallery at Grace: Opening Reception
Kathleen McHugh presents Seasons of Refuge, an exhibition of mixed watercolor and ink works inspired by seasonal visits to Dumas Bay Sanctuary. A Pacific Northwest native, McHugh creates art that explores identity, belonging, and place. Her work spans abstract and figurative narratives and has been exhibited nationally and internationally. An active artist and educator, McHugh also curates and leads community art projects. Meet the artist at a reception this Sunday during coffee hour. |
Recurring Events at Grace
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Children, Youth and Family Ministries
When you arrive for the 9:30 a.m. Sunday service, please bring your children with you into the sanctuary; and feel free to sit by the altar near the Children’s Rug so your children can engage with others in quiet activities. After the Children’s Moment, they will be guided by their teachers to two learning spaces: one for younger children with more tactile storytelling and activities, and one for older children. Together, we build community through story, ritual, and fun activities before your children join you again for communion in the sanctuary. Youth are always welcome to join us as helpers for the younger children! For more infomation visit:
Warm and Waterproof OuterwearDonations accepted through January The Grace Outreach Ministry will be collecting new and gently worn hats, vests, sweaters, socks, jackets, and gloves throughout January. Please bring donations for those in need in our community to the narthex. Thank You! |
Love God, Love God’s World
Tuesday, January 14, from 6:30 – 8:00 p.m. Grace is hosting a cohort of 10 to 12 individuals in The Episcopal Church’s new program “Love God, Love God’s World,” which was developed by the Creation Care Ministry. “Love God, Love God’s World” is a nine-session course, each lasting 60 to 75 minutes, patterned upon “Sacred Ground.” The first session to be held at Grace on Tuesday, January 14, from 6:30-8:00 pm. The following sessions will be held via Zoom every two weeks. The sessions will be held in the evening, at a time most convenient to the members of the cohort. As was the case for “Sacred Ground” there will be about 1.5 to 2 hours of material to be reviewed prior to each session. This will include both written and video material. We invite you to review the curriculum at this link. Our facilitators for the program are: Marcy Lagerloef, John Kydd, and Scott Deasy Please feel free to reach out to Scott at: jscottdeasy@gmail.com or 928.606.2098 |
Youth Café Night
Thursday, January 16 from 6:30 - 8:00 p.m. Youth in 7th – 12th grades are invited to an evening of games, hot drinks, and sweet treats at Coquette, Winslow Green. Sponsored by Grace & St. Barnabas Episcopal Churches with the other Open & Affirming churches and youth organizations of Bainbridge Island. |
For more infomation visit:
St. Barnabas’ Schola Nova Vespers
Sunday, January 12 at 6 p.m. Please join us for this contemplative service as we welcome the New Year. If you are a soprano or alto interested in singing, please contact Music Director Sheila Bristow. |
Submit news or event listing
For more infomation visit: https://www.gracehere.org/blog/submit-content-for-the-bulletin-and-or-weekly-enews